About Us

How We Started

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Lori Campbell noticed that some of her students were growing hungry as a result of pandemic. To act on this, she started buying and delivering groceries to families in need. She was shortly joined by a small group of Christ followers she met with on Wednesdays.

After several months of shopping and delivering, these acts of services to the local Hayward and San Lorenzo community gained enough traction for us to file and become a 501(c) government recognized non profit organization!

Meet Our Team

Lori Campbell

Founder and President,
Board of Directors

Lori is a grade school teacher by day, but after school she coordinates the day to day deliveries and bridges needy families with our organization

Christina Almendrala

Secretary, Board of Directors

Christina keeps Bridging Grace affairs in order, including our Board Meetings and key administrative affairs organized and in compliance with government requirements for 501(c)3 non profits

Victor Huang

Finances, Board of Directors

Victor spends his days after treating patients as a PA upkeeping Bridging Graces’ finances, donations, and budgets and ensuring our donor’s money is being used wisely

Mindy Leung

Volunteers, Board of Directors

Mindy supports our amazing volunteers by organizing delivery schedules and family adoptions and providing a point of contact if volunteers need additional help or instruction

Jackie Martinez
Social Media Marketing Manager

Jackie shares the amazing stories of Bridging Grace families and volunteers to help others see God’s amazing work